sábado, 12 de abril de 2008


I assembled an anthology at Anthology Builder for my Mom's birthday/Christmas present (yes, I'm late, but I was studying for the Big Exam and I didn't get around to get anyone gifts. And yes, I do plan on giving her something else soon; one book for two gift-giving days is cheap even for me). The anthology arrived last week and I have to say I was impressed. For one, the cover is glossy and pretty (my fault, since I chose it). Second, the book is a trade paperback with a glossy pro look, nice typeset and quality paper. Third, it's big. I guess I hadn't translated "350 pages" into volume in my head. I certainly hadn't translated 14.99$ into stories. There were maybe 15-20 stories in there, most of them longer than a couple pages. That's very good value for money, specially with the dollar so low.

Sue Burke gave me my contributor copy of Desolate Places, edited by Eric T. Reynolds. Sue Burke and I are both in the TOC and since postal service to my house isn't reliable, Eric agreed to mail both copies to Sue. This book looks a lot like the antho builder one: big, sturdy, and with a lot of stories. I haven't had a chance to read any of them yet, but I can't wait.

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